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Property Information

Distribution List Details. We typically recommend the number of colleagues who have the authority to approve responses be limited to no more than three colleagues and that one team member take the lead on providing those daily approvals. In determining your Distribution List, we request that you include those colleagues who are most equipped to assist with future access requests for review websites (usually your DORM and a Marketing leader). By adding these people to our Monthly Distribution list, we’ll be able to keep up with any future changes to your team.

Property Contacts

Chose all the reports for this colleague that apply.
Chose all the reports for this colleague that apply.
Chose all the reports for this colleague that apply.
Chose all the reports for this colleague that apply.
Chose all the reports for this colleague that apply.
Checkbox Items
Chose all the reports for this colleague that apply.
Chose all the reports for this colleague that apply.

For some negative reviews, we may need to research details further with your team. Please advise which colleagues will take the lead in answering any questions regarding these guest experiences.