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Hotel Reputation Monitoring 101: Making Sense of User Generated Content

Picture of print tile blocks - Hotel Reputation Monitoring Post

“So much is being said about our properties in our online reviews; I read all of the reviews as they come in, but at the end of the day, how can I possibly track everything and make informed decisions about where we should invest our dollars to impact the overall guest experience?”

That reputation monitoring question was asked in a high-level hospitality meeting recently and is one that hoteliers all across the world have on their minds as more guests take to the internet to share feedback.

Deciphering User Generated Content

Most hotels have visibility on multiple channels including online travel agencies and review-based websites. In addition, Social Media platforms, Blogs and Press Releases also contribute online content which can impact a hotel's overall online reputation.

With so many sites to include on your reputation monitoring to-do list, we would suggest a Reputation Management Platform that brings everything into one dashboard and provides hotel leadership teams with a wealth of information including average review scores, response rates, sentiment analysis, trending topics, review count and more.

Some of our favorite tools that can handle that job include Revinate and TrustYou.

Once a platform is in place, daily, weekly and monthly reporting can be configured to be delivered via email which will empower the decision makers within an organization to assess what action plans, employee training, or capital improvements they should invest in to have a direct impact on the overall guest experience.

Software Is Just One Piece of the Reputation Monitoring Puzzle

Reviewing user generated data is key, but simply having a subscription to a platform cannot be considered a proactive approach to robust reputation monitoring or elevating the online reputation of a hotel. Action needs to be taken both from an operational perspective and from a guest engagement and feedback point of view.

That's where our team can help.

At The Reputation Lab, we work with hotels and restaurants to facilitate a reputation management strategy aimed at increasing online visibility, engaging your customers, and converting more shoppers to future guests and revenue producers. If you are interested in learning how a reputation management strategy can benefit your business, we invite you to email us via our secure contact form to set up a no pressure consultation or call us at 855-979-6800.


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